Located on rue du château, this panel shows four photos (60 x 60 cm).

Abeille charpentière
Michèle Lepeintre, juillet 2023
I am considered the largest species of wild bee: they call me the carpenter bee (Xylocopa violacea). My colors catch the eye. Depending on the light, my wings can turn a deep blue. My size and my buzz are impressive, yet I am not aggressive. Leave some dead wood in your gardens and parks to encourage me to nest.
100 mm – f/3.5 – 1/2000 s – 800 ISO

Piéride du navet
Michel Boudreault, juillet 2023
Among the many species of butterflies that inhabit the chateau grounds is the Green-veined White (Pieris napi). Away from the large cultivated plains, it has found a favourable biotope within the walls of the park. It appears all year round in three generations, but the most numerous flights are seen in spring and early September. The specimen photographed on a thistle flower is a female.
400 mm – f/9 – 1/640 s – 400 ISO

Gaëtan Alexandre, juillet 2023
In this month of July, this Speckled Wood, also called wood argus or even muse (Pararge aegeria) seems to appreciate the fragrant flowers of lavender present in abundance around the chateau. Very widespread in Deux-Sèvres, this butterfly can be confused with the Wall Brown (Lasiommata megera) which has, among other differences, orange bands on the top of the wings instead of orange spots on a brown background .
100 mm macro – f/20 – 1/80 s – 640 ISO

Maryvonne Boudreault, novembre 2023
Originally from North America, this erigeron which grows between the stones of the moat walls is not like any other daisy. It is distinguished by its large yellow heart surrounded by pinkish stripes. Charming and easy to grow, it is nonetheless considered invasive.
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105 mm macro – f/4 – 1/250 s – 160 ISO