Located on rue du château, this panel shows four photos (60 x 60 cm).
Azuré commun
Michel Boudreault, juillet 2023
The common cerulean or blue argus (Polyommatus icarus) adapts to all kinds of environments, from city gardens to agricultural land. In the park of the Château d’Oiron, he seems to appreciate the small flowers of the yarrow, also called “soldier’s grass”.
400 mm – f/11 – 1/2500 s – 2000 ISO
Robert le Diable
Marie-Claude Cogny, juillet 2023
With its cut out wings, it is impossible to miss the Comma (Polygonia c-album) known as ‘Robert le Diable’ in French. This butterfly is known for its particular silhouette with its folded rear wings which evoke the hooked nose of a Middle Ages devil. It likes hedges, forest edges, but also parks and gardens. On the other hand, it avoids large areas of plains.
105 mm macro – f/8 – 1/200 s – 100 ISO
Nymphe au corps de feu
Maryvonne Boudreault, mai 2023
Photo taken at the “Sources et Fontaines de Bilazais” whose sulfurous waters, in the town of Plaine-et-Vallées, were renowned for their therapeutic virtues. Madame de Montespan, owner of the Château d’Oiron and the hospice of the Holy Family, had full barrels delivered on the back of a donkey. Dragonflies have taken over the place. After a ballet above the pool, this Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) lands on a small herbaceous plant.
105 mm macro – f/4,5 – 1/250 s – 200 ISO
Écaille fermière
Jean-Jacques Fouquet, mai 2023
The old cemetery, nestled alongside the collegiate church, remains a secret place behind its large walls. For security reasons, the place cannot be visited. The funerary monuments tell a part of the history of the town. Life bustles around tall acanthus and old roses. Among the foraging insects, a Cream-spot Tiger Moth (Arctia villica) shows its shimmering colors.
105 mm – f/6,3 – 1/1000 s – 500 ISO