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Natura Mirabilis – Panel No. 10

This photo (80 x 120 cm) is located rue Sainte Anne.

The presence of a weeping Japanese pagoda tree at the entrance to the park, near the chateau’s reception pavilion, is not unrelated to the planting of Atlas cedars. In the 19th century, the fashion was for exoticism. Botanists recommended planting pagoda trees, which went well with the majestic conifers. Over time, this old tree has taken on shapes that can be freely interpreted. You just have to look at it to see areptile devouring its prey.

105 mm macro – f/5 – 1/500 s – 100 ISO

On the cartel

The tortuous branches of the weeping Japanese pagoda tree, weathered by time, continue to reveal their mysterious shapes. Nature sometimes imitates humans by sculpting monstrous heads as our ancestors did on the beams of houses in the Middle Ages.